Why Social Media?


Social media can still be an obscure concept for companies. Many businesses understand that they need a social media presence, but simply do not want to participate. They don’t see the point or they have tried to run it themselves with minimal results.

Social media has become an essential part of every successful business. In today’s global society, if you do not have a strong social media presence you are nonexistent. Social media is a way to connect with your consumers and create loyalty for your brand. Here are a few statistics to keep in mind when considering if social media is beneficial to your business:

  • 88% of adults age 18-29 and 78% of adults age 30-49 use at least one social media platform (Pew Research)

  • Over 60 million businesses have Facebook Pages (Venturebeat)  

  • 66% of 18-24 year-old and 60% of 25-34 year-old Americans are more loyal to the brands they follow on social media (Forbes)

  • 80% of Instagram accounts follow at least one business profile (Instagram)

  • LinkedIn has over 106 million active monthly users (Brandwatch & LinkeIn)

It is imperative for any business to understand that social media is here to stay, and is a key part of how customers interact within the market place. NZ Strategic Consulting Solutions is here to help companies cope with the new advancements in the social media world.

Whether you need to start your social media from scratch, outsource your current social media, or train your staff, NZ Consulting provides exactly what your company needs to stay relevant in the ever changing universe of social media.

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