7 Apps Every Small Business Should Use

By Theresa Schempp

In previous posts, we have discussed the importance of online engagement that provides valuable information for your audience. But as a business, it is just as important to utilize online information and tools to promote your own growth. Today, there is a mobile app for every need, whether your company needs assistance with banking or wants to schedule social media posts. To help your business with everything from finance to organization, here are seven apps that should be used by every small business:

Quickbooks. Finances are one of the most time-consuming and sometimes most strenuous parts of owning a small business. Having an app that stores and organizes all the information you need can alleviate some of this stress. Quickbooks has features that include managing bills, tracking expenses, creating invoices, and paying employees. You can pick the plan that best suits your business’ needs, and according to the site you save your time “an average of 42 hours per month.”

Square. If your business deals with face-to-face payments, Square may be the best option for you in terms of payments. They send you a card scanner, and once you set up an account you can immediately start receiving payments. A whole team can take payments that all go into one account, and the system doesn’t rely on internet, so you can still be in business without an internet connection.

Hootsuite. Hootsuite assists in keeping all your social media platforms organized in one place. Curate content in a cloud file that can be posted by anyone on your team, and schedule automatic posts so you don’t have to remember to do it yourself. Hootsuite also tracks your social media progress and provides analytics and reporting.

Dropbox. Dropbox provides a central area where files can be accessed, saved, and shared by your team. They provide security features, live support, and a space for collaboration. The files will be available no matter if a team member is out of the office, providing a simple and easily-accessible platform.

 OmniFocus. As a small business owner, staying organized is critical. OmniFocus allows you to compile actions that need to be taken, current projects, and plan your day-to-day activities. Having an organized day will ensure productivity and daily success in both your professional and personal life.

Google Calendar. This calendar can also assist in keeping your day organized. If you have a Gmail, events sent you via email that you accept can automatically be put into your calendar, complete with reminders. This calendar can be accessed on both mobile and desktop, so you never worry about forgetting your planner.

Lightroom. On social media, professional photos are necessary for your company to stand out. Lightroom is a free mobile app that allows you to take mobile photos to the next level, allowing you to professionally edit your photos without the price tag. Your social media reflects your business and utilizing Lightroom will ensure you convey your message through high definition photos.